Instructor - Instructor Transition Process

Instructor - Instructor Transition Process 

This guide provides a walk-through of the steps instructors must follow to access and complete the instructor transition course in NSC Learning. Instructor transition materials can be purchased through NSC Learning. See Instructor - How to purchase a course for details.”

1. Go to, and click Sign In to log in using your credentials.



2. To access your course, click Access My Training & Materials on My Homepage. 



3. On the My Training & Materials page, click Select to view the course’s details.



4. The course’s status will be displayed. Click Open Form to view the eSign NSC Instructor Agreement.



5. Select I Accept the Agreement, click Confirm and close the window.



6. A confirmation page opens up in a new window as shown below. Close this window to continue. 



7. Click Launch to view material for Add First Aid, CPR & AED Instructor Manual to VitalSource Bookshelf.



8. You can now view instructions to activate and access course participant materials.



9. Click Open VitalSource Bookshelf Window, enter your credentials and click Sign In on the Welcome page.

If you do not have a VitalSource account, visit this link to create one - How to Create an account in Vital Source




10. If you are a new user in the Vital Source account, click Confirm Your Mail to complete the account creation process from the respective email.



11. Click Accept after going through Terms and Privacy.

Accepting the terms and conditions will take you from NSC to VitalSource.




12. Click Redeem on the VitalSource dashboard.



13. Enter the Redeem Code (available on the Launch page of the Add First Aid, CPR & AED Instructor Manual to VitalSource Bookshelf material. Refer to the screenshot in Step 8 and click Redeem.

If the Redeem Code is not copied from the launch page of the course, then you won't be able to move further.




14. Click Continue Reading to read the course content further.



15. Go through the content by using the navigation buttons.



Once the course is completed, it won't automatically move to the next section. Click on < from the top left side to go back to the launch page.


16. Click Launch to view the NSC First Aid, CPR and AED 2022 Instructor Update material.



17. You can now view the course material. Click PREV or NEXT to navigate through the material.



18. After completing NSC First Aid, CPR and AED 2022 Instructor Update you need to download NSC Instructor Materials for First Aid, CPR & AED 8th Ed. Click View/Download. A zip file gets downloaded either to your computer or to a USB thumb drive and the status changes from Incomplete or Complete. (You can find the instructions for downloading the zip file to your computer or USB Thumb Drive marked below)


19. Click Request Physical Materials.


20. This section provides you with all the Instructor materials for this course. You have to submit the details either through a USB Purchase Form or a Printed Instructor Manual Purchase Form. A representative from NSC will then contact you to complete your purchase.


21. Click USB Purchase Form.

22. Select the type of request and fill in the details. Once the details are filled in, click Submit Request. Close the tab to go to the Course Item page.


23. You will be notified as shown below.


24. Go back to 'Request Physical Materials' and Click Printed Instructor Manual Purchase Form.


25. Fill in the details and click Submit Request. Close the tab to go to the Course Item page.


26. You will be notified as shown below.


27. Click Using your Instructor Materials for instructions on how to use your Instructor Materials downloaded earlier as a zip file. You can find the instructions for doing this marked below.


28. To access the zip file, open the Downloads Folder on your computer and click on the downloaded ZIP file. Once the ZIP file opens up in a new window and click Extract all. 


29. A new window will open up, here you can select where you want to extract the files and then click on Extract. 


30. Click on NSC Instructor Materials followed by First Aid, CPR & AED 8th Ed.


31. Double click Presentation.


32. This will launch the course multimedia presentation in your browser.


33. Next go back to the extracted folder and click Instructor Resources.


34. Now you can access all the instructor materials. These are pdf documents which can be opened in your browser.


35. Once all the above steps are complete you will get an email notification regarding course completion.


36. The course’s status will change to 4 of 4 Completed. 


37. You can download the certificate by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on Click here.


38. The certificate will be downloaded to your system in PDF format.

A sample certificate:


You are now familiar with the steps to access and complete Instructor Transition to NSC First Aid, CPR and AED 8th Edition on NSC Learning.

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